Website survey link - Cotswolds National Landscape


Dear Parish Clerk,

We’re currently working to redevelop our website. We’re working with a consultancy, BTeam to do the research stages, and the site redevelopment.

We would like to learn more about the needs of those who want to enjoy the Cotswolds. In particular, we seek to understand how the Cotswolds NL website can better serve a range of audiences.

Please could you help, by completing a very short questionnaire to help us understand more?

You can access the questionnaire using this link:

The questionnaire is very quick and should take around 5 minutes (or less!) to complete. It will be analysed by a researcher from B Team, a consultancy conducting a project on behalf of Cotswolds NL.

If you are willing to participate in our research, you will find it useful to look at the Cotswolds NL website:

Participants' input will be shared anonymously via a report and set of recommendations—it will not be possible to identify you personally in the research outputs. You can read about how we will manage the data we collect in BTeam’s Research Methodology.